(424) 478-9362



Preparing for Your Facelift: Tips for a Smooth Surgical Experience

Preparing for a facelift can feel daunting, but at Sunder Plastic Surgery, we want you to feel empowered and excited as you go forward. As you prepare for this transformative journey, you must equip yourself with the knowledge and resources to ensure a smooth and successful surgi...

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Recovery Roadmap: Navigating the Healing Process After Eyelid Surgery

Whether you've undergone blepharoplasty for cosmetic enhancement or to address functional concerns, understanding the recovery journey is crucial for a successful healing experience. Rest assured, Dr. Sarmela Sunder and the team at Sunder Plastic Surgery are here to provide a com...

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Chin Augmentation: Weighing the Options Between Fillers and Surgical Procedures

The chin plays a significant role in facial harmony and symmetry, contributing to one's overall appearance and profile. For individuals seeking to enhance the contours of their chin, both filler injections and surgical procedures offer effective solutions. However, understanding...

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Embracing Prevention: The Role of Botox in Warding Off Wrinkles

In the pursuit of maintaining a youthful appearance, many individuals are turning to preventive measures to stave off the signs of aging before they fully emerge. One such approach gaining popularity is the use of Botox for preventative wrinkles. While traditionally known for its...

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The Aging Process: When Do Brow Concerns Arise?

As we age, our skin undergoes natural changes, and the effects of gravity become more pronounced. The eyebrows, in particular, can start to sag, leading to a tired or angry appearance. While aging affects everyone differently, certain signs may indicate that a browlift could be b...

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Lip Lift vs. Lip Filler: Making the Right Choice for Your Lip Enhancement Journey

Enhancing the appearance of the lips has become increasingly popular in recent years, with individuals seeking fuller, more defined lips to enhance their facial aesthetics. Two common procedures for achieving this goal are lip lifts and lip fillers. While both can enhance the lip...

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Understanding Facelift Candidacy: Who is the Ideal Candidate?

In the realm of cosmetic procedures, facelifts stand as one of the most transformative options for rejuvenating one's appearance. However, the decision to undergo such a procedure is not one to be taken lightly. Understanding whether you're a suitable candidate for a facelift inv...

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Woman looking at her laptop

10 Essential Questions to Ask Your Plastic Surgeon Before Undergoing a Procedure

Choosing to undergo plastic surgery is a significant decision that requires careful consideration and research. One of the most crucial steps in this process is selecting the right plastic surgeon. To ensure a safe and successful outcome, it's essential to ask the right questions...

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Beautiful blonde model wearing a black top

The Cost of Beauty: Why Plastic Surgery Is Expensive

In the heart of Beverly Hills, where glamour and elegance reign supreme, the pursuit of beauty knows no bounds. As a facial plastic surgeon nestled in this prestigious locale, I've encountered numerous inquiries about the costs associated with plastic surgery. While the allure of...

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Older model looking in mirror touching her face

Embrace Youthfulness: Exploring Non-Surgical Alternatives to Facelifts

In a world where appearance plays a significant role in our confidence and self-esteem, the desire to maintain a youthful look is not uncommon. While facelift surgery has long been a popular option for reversing the signs of aging, advancements in non-surgical techniques offer pr...

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